Redevelopment Commission Deadline for Determining  Excess Assessed Valuation in TIF Districts

Redevelopment Commission Deadline for Determining Excess Assessed Valuation in TIF Districts

Redevelopment Commission Deadline for Determining Excess Assessed Valuation in TIF Districts A major responsibility of a municipal Redevelopment Commission (RDC) is to determine the existence of excess assessed value (AV) in a local TIF district. To make this determination, RDCs are charged with analyzing financial and project reports to consider whether there is excess AV...

Fundamentals of a Contract

Fundamentals of a Contract

Fundamentals of a Contract Years ago, many personal and business deals were made and transacted with a simple handshake. If disagreements ensued, the parties could go to court and ask a judge to resolve the dispute, hopefully, in their favor. These days written contracts are the norm and, if prepared properly, they can protect the...