What To Expect From Your Personal Injury Attorney

What To Expect From Your Personal Injury Attorney

No one wants to think it will happen to them, but accidents occur all the time. Whether they are auto accidents, work-related injuries, bike or pedestrian accidents, or anything in between, it’s our job to be prepared to help. Your trauma is real, but it doesn’t always mean you have a case. You need an...

How Does A Bill Become Law In Indiana?

How Does A Bill Become Law In Indiana?

The Indiana legislature passes laws each year that effect the whole state. These may encompass everything from taxes to education to health to public safety. But how do bills originate and become laws in our state? Let’s take a brief look at the process. It Starts with an Idea Ideas for laws can come from...

What Is Municipal Law?

What Is Municipal Law?

In the legal arena, you often hear the term “municipal law.” But what is it? How is it different from ordinary law? And what are some examples? Definition of Municipal Law Municipal law refers to laws that apply to cities, townships, and counties (known as municipalities) and the governing bodies within those entities. Just like...

Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney When Buying or Selling Property?

Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney When Buying or Selling Property?

When you think of hiring an attorney, it’s often anticipated that a difficult or unpleasant situation has arisen. However, the act of buying or selling real property, while an exciting time, presents several legal challenges where having a real estate attorney by your side can be greatly beneficial. Let’s look at some of the benefits...

Helping Children Through Divorce

Helping Children Through Divorce

Divorce is difficult on the whole family. And children can suffer beyond the initial breakup for years to come if they feel torn between the parents or don’t deal with it in a healthy manner. As parents going through a divorce, there are things you can do to ensure children get through it and become...

Business Matters that Business Lawyers Can Do for SMBs

Business Matters that Business Lawyers Can Do for SMBs

There is a common misconception that small businesses don’t need an attorney; that there are not enough legal-related matters going on for a business lawyer to see to. If there are matters for which a business owner needs legal advice, they can just consult an attorney or a fellow entrepreneur who has encountered the same...

Licensing Requirements for Adopting Kids in Indiana

Licensing Requirements for Adopting Kids in Indiana

Adoption rate in Indiana is higher in the last three years than it has been since 2009 (based on the available data from Indiana Department of Child Services). Since 2018, the number of adoptions crossed the 2,000 mark. Last year, Indiana DCS granted 2,317 adoptions — only 89 adoptions short of 2019. Indiana ranks highest...

The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning: Why An Estate Attorney Is Necessary

The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning: Why An Estate Attorney Is Necessary

Wills and testaments are necessary for ensuring that the wealth of a person who has passed away is allocated according to his or her wishes. Unfortunately, two out of three adults in the country don’t even have estate planning documents on hand. Only 28 percent of people over the age of 55 are motivated to...